Providence Little Company of Mary (Torrance, CA)


Project Description


Torrance, California

Surface Area:
146,000 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 821,925

Providence Corporate Real Estate

Products / Strategic Partners:
Amtico, Antron Carpet Fiber, ARDEX Americas,
Burke Flooring, Henry Adhesives, Mannington

Project Summary

“ 90 DAY MIRACLE”. Refresh the Providence Healthcare, Little Company of Mary campus in the City of Torrance within a 90 day window, in order to use the available hospital matching fund budget before it expired.

Required use of Mannington Products as part of the Providence Healthcare buying group program. Developed a plan and design to refresh and maximize the five floors (approximately 150,000 square feet) of this healthcare facility using a $1.6 million dollar budget.

Managed the process and installed half of the $1.6 Million dollar project that had to be completed within 90 days in an active running facility. Limited shutdown time with multiple trades from Universal Metro, Inc. working alongside another firm, Golden State Flooring, to complete the project. Attended Daily Meetings and Weekly Strategy Meetings.

Universal Metro estimated, budgeted, procured, and installed 50% of the floorcoverings, approximately 75,000 square feet of the project, including: Mannington Antron carpet tile, Mannington Biospec, Amtico with a special pattern, Mannington base cove, Ardex Rapid Moisture systems and underlayments. Rory Schneider the project manager for Providence stated in the closeout meeting, “the work you have done in the past 90 days is truly a miracle, thank you.”


Unique Installation Challenge Strategy

The 90 day miracle was born out a special meeting of the following: Providence Project Managers, Providence Design Team, Universal Metro Leadership, Golden State Leadership, LCOM Facilities Team, LCOM Administration and the Mannington Representatives As the team was already in full throttle with their EPIC conversion they were skeptical that any work above $200,000 could be fit into the schedule, let alone 1.6 million. Universal Metro stepped in and partnered with Golden State Flooring (Steve Gaydos) our prior VP. Providence felt comfortable that if any two companies could team up and complete the remodel it would be our partnership (formed from 20 years of friendship). The local Mannington team in tandem with UMI and Providence Design worked to source materials that were available and materials that could be made quickly to keep the production moving. Design flair was achieved with Mannington Scena Carpet tile and Amtico in a three size interplay. The basement moisture levels were solved to using Ardex Rapid as the moisture mitigation system. Daily site and weekly strategic meetings were key in creating space available in a full census hospital. The EPIC director managed all the access to the space needed to work days, nights and weekends.


Hoag Hospital – ECU & Imaging (Newport Beach, CA)


Project Description

Hoag Hospital,
Kemp Brothers Construction

Newport Beach, California

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 387,365

RBB Architects

Products / Strategic Partners:
ARDEX Americas, Armstrong Flooring Inc.,
Dal Tile, Tarkett | Johnsonite

Project Summary

Develop a modern ER and Imaging Department within the existing structural confines of a working ER and Imaging Unit. The Design: Extensive use of a wood looking vinyls combined with borders of solid vinyls to create a rich and warm look combined with the functionality and clean ability of self-coved and heat welded vinyl.

Construction :
The 650,000 contract began in 2007 and was completed in December of 2012. Universal Metro worked hand in hand with Kemp Bros. and the hospital. The hospital stated that the team answered the question – “How can I keep the hospital in operation serving patients, avoiding disruption to the daily routines of the campus during construction?”

Universal Metro estimated, budgeted, procured, and installed all floor coverings on the project: sheet vinyl, heat welding, resilient tile, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, carpet, carpet tile, base cove (millworks for design element), Ardex underlayments, Ardex MC moisture mitigation systems Johnsonite Base cove.

Saperstein Critical Care Tower (Los Angeles, CA)


Project Description

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Los Angeles, California

Surface Area:
250,000 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 1,550,686


Project Summary

Following the devastating Northridge earthquake in 1994, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center needed to replace a badly damaged building.  Working closely with Swinerton Builders, Universal Metro completed this eleven story (250,000 square foot) tower in 2006.  Under the pressure of an incredibly compacted schedule, the general contractor leaned on Universal Metro’s team to ensure the accelerated scheduling demands could be met.  Utilizing Universal Metro’s expert labor technicians, the final four floors were completed at one time under the direction of four separate crew leads. The work in this 150-bed facility included a moisture sealer and Ardex treatment, heat welded and self coved sheet goods, carpet, ceramic tile, and even a state-of-the-art helipad on the building’s roof.

Providence St. Joseph Bi-Plane Angiography (Burbank CA)


Project Description

Providence Health

Burbank, California

Surface Area:
2,104 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 9,615

C|A Architects

Products / Strategic Partners:
ARDEX Americas, Mannington

Project Summary

Providence’s commitment to Mannington Commercial is strong, and is especially evident in the products that their designers specify. Using a combination of both cherry toned, Realities wood-grain sheet vinyl and the linen-like style of Paradigm sheet vinyl, C|A Architects provided a natural and soothing environment within the space that has become synonymous with the Providence brand. Understated in many ways, this space was still elegant and contemporary. With such heavy equipment moving into the space, the flooring design was used to accent a beautiful machine, while helping to set a peaceful tone for those entering the space to undergo testing.

In order to accommodate this installation, floor preparation was essential. First, moisture tests revealed that Moisture Control would be necessary, and thus, Ardex MC Rapid was used to alleviate the risk of moisture failure in one primary room of the project. Within the equipment room itself, Siemens – the manufacturer of the Biplane Angiography machine – required a level surface in order to ensure proper balance in the equipment. As such, Universal Metro self leveled the suite, using Ardex K60, providing a flat, smooth, and level substrate, ready for new sheet vinyl and a very sophisticated piece of equipment. Mannington’s sheet vinyl was installed to perfection – providing a stunning, natural palette to a beautiful new space.

California Proton Treatment Center (San Diego, CA)


Project Description

Scripps Proton Therapy

San Diego, California

Surface Area:
102,000 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 594,255

Haskell Interiors

Products / Strategic Partners:
ARDEX Americas, Armstrong Flooring Inc.,
Dal Tile, Henry Adhesives, Mannington,
Mohawk, Roppe

Project Summary

Develop the leading proton therapy institute in the world in collaboration with Scripps Medical Center. Partner with Varien Medical Systems and Advanced Particle Therapy by providing the most advanced healing radiation machinery available. Develop the facility in order to protect all other diagnostic and outpatient treatments from radiation (15’thick slabs were constructed).

Extensive use of a “Grand Gallery” lobby that links the facility to the open spaced diagnostic and outpatient treatment areas and into the “Healing Gardens” which in combination with the warm floor and wall color palette create healing elements to inspire and maintain the patients quality of life during treatment.

The 102,000 square foot facility was designed with Building Information Modeling to facilitate the integrated network of mechanical, electrical, concrete shielding systems, overall layout and floor design.

Universal Metro estimated, budgeted, procured, and installed all floor coverings on the project: sheet vinyl, heat welding, resilient tile, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, carpet, carpet tile, base cove (millworks for design element), Ardex underlayments, Ardex MC moisture mitigation systems (to solve the moisture levels with 15’of concrete), and Johnsonite stair treads (for patient safety).

Unique Installation Strategy:
Universal Metro worked hand in hand with the Design Build Team and the Building Information Modeling systems put in place and create the first of its kind facility in the world. From the air freighting of specials materials to meet the needs of the most technologically advanced equipment and computers in the world to solving the moisture problems of 15′ of concrete Universal Metro managed and guided the floor covering product scope from inception to completion. With 102,000 sf of floorcovering to be coordinated and installed in four main areas of the facility, UMI worked closely with the Haskell Design Team in daily and weekly meetings to overcome the avalanche of issues that come from building a first time industry leading building. Our 30 years of expertise combined with our “Project Engineering system” was the key in the keeping pace with the constant changes and difficult requirements.


MemorialCare Hospital (Los Altos, CA)


Project Description


Long Beach, California

Surface Area:
13,000 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 576,168


Awards / Acknowledgements:
Starnet Design Award Recipient – Silver Winner Environmental Achievement,
Installation used for National Ad Campaign for Multiple Vendor Partners

Products / Strategic Partners:
ARDEX Americas, Armstrong Flooring Inc.,
Dal Tile, Flexco, Henry Adhesives,
Tarkett | Johnsonite

Project Summary

Bring together the most advanced healing technology in community healthcare along with state-of-the-art medical and surgical products, in order to provide excellent clinical outcomes through an amazing array of support services, resources, and nurse practitioners that few non-acute clinics across the country offer.

Extensive use of open space combined with the elements of environment friendly Bio Based floor covering materials like Armstrong’s Striations (new) to achieve the design focus of “Live Healthy”; to promote healing through nurturing spaces; and to empower patients through information and education.

Convert a Borders book store space in a busy shopping center into the most advanced clinic in the county. Dal-Tile combined with Schluter trim on both the top and bottom scores created an incredible bold and linear design element while achieving the statutory sanitary cleanliness codes. The design build of the facility also included an Ardex moisture mitigation system to allow for long term uninterrupted care.

Universal Metro procured and installed all floor covering over a customized Ardex Moisture Control System, inclusive of Ardex MC Rapid, Ardifix, K-15 Self Leveler, and GS-4 Self-Leveling Repair Underlayment for wood subfloors.  Flooring finishes included bio-based tile, resilient, porcelain tile, stone, carpet, and base.



Environmental Achievment Strategy

Extensive use of open space combined with the elements of environment friendly Bio Based floor covering materials like Armstrong’s Striations (new) achieved the design focus of “Live Healthy”; to promote healing through nurturing spaces. Using the product in over 13,000 sf (3/4) of the project the Bio Based tile allowed for the project to incorporate sustainable design into the construction. Migrations with BioStride contains rapidly renewable resources, uses 10% recycled content and meets the standards of California Section 01350 for low VOC emissions. BioBased Tile EQ4.3, MR4.0, MR5.0*, MR6.0


Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC)

CHOC Hospital - StarNet Award Winner

Project Description

Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC)

Orange, California

Surface Area:
50,000 SF

Year Completed:

Project Value:
$ 576,168


Awards / Acknowledgements:
Starnet Design Award Recipient – Gold Winner People’s Choice
Starnet Design Award Recipient – Silver Winner Unique Installation
Floor Trends Magazine Cover

Products / Strategic Partners:
American Olean, ARDEX Americas,
Armstrong Flooring Inc., Daltile, Henry Adhesives,
Mannington, Tandus Centiva

Project Summary

“The Future is Bright” – The vision for this project was to take the Children’s Hospital of Orange County’s (CHOC) commitment to being a leader for the health and well-being of children and transfer that into a design of their buildings, architecture, and aesthetics.

Taking 35 design driven colors and implementing them into exact floor murals, comparable to the art from the mosaic ceramic tile era, was Universal Metro’s second most enjoyable and involved project in our 30 plus year history. Universal Metro worked closely with Creative Edge in the design, engineering, configuring, and construction of the murals, utilizing 35 colors for 6 floors in order to implement the design intent of the architect team from WBSA.

The actual work was precision water jet and then sent in 6′ x 6′ puzzle size pieces inside large 7′ x 13′ foot crates to preserve the vinyl from damage, edge curling, and tears which are common in many designs. With the partnership of Armstrong’s and Ardex’s technical teams, Universal Metro was able to seam seal every edge in order to preserve a long-term floor that will not shrink, fail, collect dirt, and most importantly, be a bright light to the families that visit CHOC each day.

All this work was completed in an active hospital, installing over 50,000 SF with class III Infection Control processes to insure the safety of the patients.